Day 19

16 Mar

bobevansAfter Sunday Mass, Mom and I went to Bob Evans for a big breakfast. It’s an infrequent though usual choice for our Sunday morning routine. But Bob Evans isn’t as big in the Pittsburgh area and I think it is due to Eat n’ Park, as well as Bob Evans being more so an Ohio chain.

But I love their stuffed French toast and go most chances I get – even though I’m sure each “stuff” clogs another “artery”. The thing that kills me is the huge difference in every conceivable aspect between the BE by my house and the BE close to my mothers.

The latter has coffee more akin to water while the former coffee can go out and rotate your tires while you wait for it to cool down and this past Sunday was no exception. I don’t know how one company can have such vast differences as i’ve understood for quite a few years that places like BE or, for example, McDonald’s and practically every other national chain restaurant you can think of have one primary goal behind customer service and that is continuity – you should be able to go into any of their restaurants and order the same thing and it will taste – drum roll – the same. McMuffin here? Good. McMuffin there? Same. Still Good. (And yes, McMuffins are good in the eye of the beholder.)

Mom and I sat there and had to laugh because of the mistakes. It was like Laurel and Hardy – really repetitve comedy, but you knew the punch line that was coming. The silver lining was that we had the rest of our Sunday routine to look forward to – the sale aisles at Marshall’s and TJ Maxx.

Well, she did anyway. I sulked around the store and picked up things that she should buy me.

Apparently there are no loopholes.